Hello Energetic Beings!
I found the artwork and artist for the Healing Center! I will post something on it later--I did write about it in our online journal-take a peek there for now if you like. Its in the Community News article. Go to http://www.consciousmindjournal.com/.
My attention has been drawn to find and share more and more tools to use to help us release and find balance in these very intense energies. I am told the energies will only continue to be more intense, no letting up. So , it is best for us to learn to go with the flow and let go!! I like to always expedite and find the fastest ways to do the releasing process so we can enjoy the ride. Well, here they are --these are the ones I have been using. I will update this blog as I continue to receive more ways to assist.
My attention has been drawn to find and share more and more tools to use to help us release and find balance in these very intense energies. I am told the energies will only continue to be more intense, no letting up. So , it is best for us to learn to go with the flow and let go!! I like to always expedite and find the fastest ways to do the releasing process so we can enjoy the ride. Well, here they are --these are the ones I have been using. I will update this blog as I continue to receive more ways to assist.
Dont procrastinate--and if you are used to putting yourself last, time to re-prioritize!! It is co-dependent to take care of everyone else and not take care of your needs. Take care of self first, then you have what it takes to care for everyone else. Nurture yourself and allow healing. Not a time for blame, resentment, etc. Do your best to be loving and supportive to those around you more and more of the time. We all need to help each other. These are the times of Unity consciousness. Put those sticky notes up to remind yourself. I love you! We must be accountable for all of our creations now. When you are triggered, there is work to do-dont be hard on yourself , love yourself more and use one of the following process'.
#1 Use Hoponopono to cleanse and clear quickly. Use your intention to direct it to a specific situation or relationship that you want clearing on. Say I love you, thank you. This is a shortcut of the long form in which you would say the first two--"I love you. Thank you . Then add, Please forgive me. Thank you. " if you want to do the long form. The Dali Lama just said "I Love you" all day long to his pancreas to cure his pancreatic cancer. The trick is to say it with Feeling! Like you mean it!! It works! You can research it on the internet or read Joe Vitales book "Zero Limits,The Secret Hawaaian Method for Healing and Abundance" for more info on Hoponopono, What it is and Why and How it Works.
#2. Use this number like you would the Hoponopono. It is called the power code for Complete Love. 99999 999 55555 55. It works. I send it to my inner child often.
#1 Use Hoponopono to cleanse and clear quickly. Use your intention to direct it to a specific situation or relationship that you want clearing on. Say I love you, thank you. This is a shortcut of the long form in which you would say the first two--"I love you. Thank you . Then add, Please forgive me. Thank you. " if you want to do the long form. The Dali Lama just said "I Love you" all day long to his pancreas to cure his pancreatic cancer. The trick is to say it with Feeling! Like you mean it!! It works! You can research it on the internet or read Joe Vitales book "Zero Limits,The Secret Hawaaian Method for Healing and Abundance" for more info on Hoponopono, What it is and Why and How it Works.
#2. Use this number like you would the Hoponopono. It is called the power code for Complete Love. 99999 999 55555 55. It works. I send it to my inner child often.
#2a. Say the Law of One out loud with conviction for a court case, or any agitated relationship.
It is powerful!
We Are All One
When One 'Is Harmed, All Are Harmed
When One Is Helped, All Are Helped
Therefore In The Name of Who I Am
And I Am One With All There Is
I Ask That Only That Which Is
The Best And Highest Good Happen Here
And I Give Thanks That This is Done
So Be It.
#3. A bit more of a time investment , but works great for releasing subconscious patterns
and addictions that may be needing deeper work. A free ebook called "The Quest" can be downloaded giving you the gist of the process how to. Go to http://aurorajulianaariel.com/
to print out the process , around page 83 in her book.
#4. Read the book "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman and use the process
in her book to release negative emotions held in the body or subconscious patterns.
#5. Order From Patricia Cota Robles site http://eraofpeace.com/ the healing cds "A New Order of Healing" and Physical Transformation. Very Excellent!
#6. Come for an Amethyst Biomat Session in my Healing & Transformation Room to
experience a Quantum Tuneup for the Body, stress release , immune boost and so on.
First time visit is only $10 for 45 minutes! Email me at crystal@sacc.com to schedule.
I am near 16 and Van Dyke in Sterling Heights.
#7. Purchase the Cd Set "The Sedona Method" for another option to do deep clearing
work. My husband and I have done this series. Very good. Go to http://www.consciousmindjournal.com/ and click on any story to find the link for these.
#8. Use essential oils- I recently attended a lecture by Dr. David Hill, MD. on the oils.
If you come to my Healing and Transformation Room for a session, you can experience lavendar.
Dr. Hill stated in his lecture that essential oils are moving to the forefront of medicine.
He is partnering with doctors in Utah who want to use the oils in place of some prescriptions-
this is amazing and a definite sign that times are a changing and its time for the Healing Centers to manifest very soon!!! I recommend getting lavendar, peppermint and frankincense for everday use -for good health, and preventative. It is best to get good quality oils- no dollar store stuff. You may wish to visit http://www.doterra.myvoffice.com/davidpmiller.
Hold your attention on what you want to create. What you focus on you will attract more of.
If your on the River of Denial-get off. There is love for you here. Love you all!!
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