Update October 23, 2009

Just a quick note to let you know - I have been connected with Dr. Cody who will be heading up 7 Ascension Centers that will be going up globally. The Pleiadians ensured that we got connected and we are now in communications with each other. Please find attached his mission statement for the centers. The first one will be going up in Sante Fe, N Mexico and Dr. Cody is in process of preparing to be relocating there by Dec 1. We are told to be ready for anything now. Be sure to do your housecleaning and fine tuning as all is moving forward!! There will be all different sizes and levels of these healing centers going up to help the masses. Namaste.

Below are brief parts of the Business Plan for the Ascension Centers.
Galactic EarthStar Ascension Centers A Gift to Humanity of Embracing its Heritage!! IT IS OUR INTENT TO ESTABLISH 8 MAIN GLOBAL ASCENSION/HEALING CENTERS EXPANDING INTO 64 WORLDWIDE

*MISSION STATEMENT* Our mission is to develop a unified Social, Spiritual/Metaphysical and Scientific Community that flows seamlessly and uncovers the connections between consciousness, the infinite quantum potential, and the large-scale universe. To facilitate the advancement of methods, techniques, and technologies for humankind and planet earth symbiotically, grasping their collective highest potential through Grace, Harmony, Peace and Love Consciousness. Curing social,economic, mental, physical disease globally. The Collective Consciousness is the common connection between all things great and small, from the large-scale universe to the subatomic quantum world.The practical application of this understanding leads way to quantum leaps in healing modalities and technologies, sustainable energy technologies, consciousness sciences, advanced learning methodologies as well as an integrated holistic viewpoint of our spiritual connection with the whole.

*MISSION GOAL* To convert the 3D Human Body Model to The New 5D Cosmic 13 Chakra Crystalline Body and Beyond. In the brain and heart, there are energy centers called chakras, organs, muscles, bone, infrastructure and this is all connected by a tube system - arteries, veins, lymph and nervous system. In the old system, energy was filtered through the 7 chakra system. It was easy for the chakra's to be influenced by exterior stimuli and they would need frequent realignments, or recalibration. It was easy to upset the balance in the system. Easy to fall into ill health. The new body structure will not function and have these issues.

Although each center holds its own adeptness, and unique flavor, there is a basis of รข‚assessment-treatment protocol. the functionality will be divided into three main levels.


Each of these levels will offer specific modalities that regenerates and restores (origin) the physical, mental and spiritual anatomy in a collective attunement, rapid harmonic healing and awakening will be facilitated. The use of the term Ascension rather than healing, in and of itself, restructures and repatterns the basis of each modality. Ascension focuses on the highest attainment in the moment, living and expressing the now. Though the treatments are complex and intricately interwoven. A brief outline follows:

1. THE CRYSTALLINE PROCESS: Consciousness and energy creates the matrix of reality for Galactic Activation. Treatment processes that repattern the cause of illness, and create rapid regeneration. On a crystalline (physical) level, thoughts become tangible realities. Traditional modalities such as:Message, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Kinesilogy, Acupuncture, Body Talk, Reiki, Underwater Stretching, Talaso Therapy, Mineral Baths, Water Therapy, Inhalation Therapy, Sound Therapy, Mud Treatments, Sacro-Cranial Treatments, Colonics, Iridology, Balino Therapy, will be utilized.

2. THE FLOWER PROCESS: Mental/Emotional repatterning will be vital in a holistic approach to welbeing. Psych Therapies, Regression Techniques, Sound Therapies as well as techniques of dissolving personal patterns will be offered.

3. THE LIGHT PROCESS: Spirit creates the impulse of life. Life giving and nurturing processes and workshops will be offered with the intent of embrassing the divine human. Evolution is a natural process of creation. Bringing the participants into alignment with their own natural progression alleviates most distress and dis-ease with proper follow-up and diligence, facilitates cures.GLOBAL LOCATIONS: The centers would be quadrahydro designed defined to link with the natural energy systems (flow) of this beautiful planet. They will connect specific energy matrix's facilitating a greater harmonization of humankind and earths biosphere creating power and unity.

The 7 main centers focus on the utilization of cosmic energies inherent within the planetary biosphere, synthesis and cooperation. The collectivity of these centers will establish, community, societal advancement, technologies of peace, genesis, neural-physical excitation and planetary stewardship. On a more practical level, jobs, training, cultural and eco-awareness, food, water, medicines, healing, relaxation, dance, arts, science, leadership, honesty and respect WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT: Primarily, our intent. A place of peace and tranquility. Lifestyle of Joy through expressive dance, theater and movement arts. Fabulous nutrition, live-foods education, community meditation, mentorship, beautification, belonging/oneness. Investment opportunities spanning life, empowering inventions, technological, innovative and social breakthroughs, property acquisitions, universal sovereign teachings and sustainable franchises. A medicine chest store that understands polyphahasic metamorphics. Each center will gift 30% of all activity space and time to the indigenous people.

We help foster each individual's unique divine expression. Our buildings are geometrically, harmonically sound and intelligently designed (Geodesic). We have rapid regenerating techniques such as Bio Synthesis, Neural Synthesis, Neural Acidification, Genetic Restructuring. Thought-form Restructuring, State-of -the-Art Technologies: Advanced Radionics, Sound Chambers, Viral Chambers, Genetic Chambers, Light Therapies, Cadenced Music, Living Water, artificial intelligence and robotics research. Crystal Rooms – Energetic alliance studies , Sound Rooms, Meditation Rooms, Androgeny Models, Divine and Astrological attuned Architecture> Ascension Models> Communities of benevolence and societal structure

Incredible Strategic Locations

Update August 18, 2009

Hello everyone!

Things are moving along and I've been enjoying a steady flow of connections with people and healers who will be participating in the Center. I did a half hour talk on a conference call about the Healing Center project - How it came into being in summer of 2007 and how it has progressed since then to current day. The date of this talk is August 7, 2009. Please take time to listen if you'd like to know more about the project and especially if you think you would like to participate in it. Remember, these communities will be going up globally - so you will be able to participate wherever you live. Heres the information:
If you missed the conference call talk and meditation done by Myself and Cheryl Croci on Friday, August 7, please listen to the audio for some good listening pleasure! Scroll down a little ways to Special Class audio link , then right click on it to download. Then open it as soon as it finishes downloading. Go here http://www.spirit.kauwila.net/grt.html

Update June 25, 2009

I was connected with Suzy Star one week after I found the property and I consider that an amazing confirmation that the time is nearing for this project to manifest. Suzy is aware of where she is from and has been awake to her mission most of her life. I now have a "blueprint" of what the layout of the Center will be and Surprize , it will actually be a Healing Center within a Community! No wonder the property was to be so large! It sure does pay to follow your guidance I must say. Here is the link to Suzy's website so you can see the blueprint.
http://www.suzystar.net/. Stay tuned!

Animal Messages While on the Property

June 4, 2009 Visit to the Location for the Healing Temple/Animals and their messages

As we approached the property we saw many hawks circling off to our left.

1. Hawk-Visionary Power and Guardianship. Hawks are the messengers, the protectors and the visionaries of the air. You may begin to move toward your soul purpose more dynamically. If the red tailed hawk-represents the teaching of higher expressions of psychism and vision. And higher levels of consciousness. Can bring a rapid development of the psychic energies. Will lead you to use your creative energy in manifesting your soul purpose. Stimulates hope and new ideas. Reflects a need to be open to the new or shows you ways that you may help teach others to be open to the new.

On the Property-Saw first a Deer running across the path from right to left about 100 feet in front of us.

2. Deer- A Luring to new adventures. A call for gentle love. A time to be gentle with yourself and others. A new innocence and freshness is about to be awakened or born. An opportunity to express gentle love that will open new doors to adventure.

Then, as we approached one of the ponds, we saw a family of Swans, Mom, Dad and 6 babies!

3. Swan-Awakening the True Beauty and Power of the Self. The swan is a link to the fairie realm. The swan can teach the mysteries of song and poetry for these touch the child and the beauty within.

We also saw more than one Heron on the pond.

4. Heron-Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance. Heron medicine gives the ability to do a variety of tasks. If one way doesn’t’ work, then another will. Also, they follow their own path. Heron people are unique in that they don’t need a lot of people in their life, nor do they feel pressured to “keep up with the Joneses” or be traditional in their life roles. Represent an ability to progress and evolve.
Then, we heard a frog.

5. Frog-Transformation through Water and Sound. Known to be heralds of abundance and fertility. A symbol of coming into ones own creative powers. Getting in touch with the water element.

I believe that next, I saw many dragonflies.

6. Dragonfly-The Power of Light. Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision. Reminds us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose.

I heard the CAW, CAW, Caw of a Crow who had a lot to say to us.

7. Crow-The Secret Magic of Creation is Calling. Wherever crows are, there is magic. They are symbols of creation and spiritual strength. They remind us to look for opportunities to create and manifest the magic of life. They are messengers calling to us about the creation and magic that is alive within our world everyday and available to us.

As we were leaving the area, we saw two herons flying together (twin flames?) and then a third one crossing from right to left as we drove out.

Finding the Property

Update June 4, 2009
I just visited what I believe to be the site of the Healing and Transformation Center.
Here is a photo of the property--it is a beautiful setting-lots of nature! We saw a deer
running about a 100 feet away when only on the property about 5 minutes. We also
saw a pair of Swans on the lake (large pond) that is on the property with their 6 babies.
We saw herons, both on the lake and when we were leaving. Very exciting!

New Healing Modality Brings Results

I had gotten frustrated with what is available in the healing arts as it seemed to not be sufficient enough to really help my clients. So I kept asking for something better. I finally found it and can happily say I am now offering sessions over the phone utilizing this new modality. My clients are amazed and very happy with the results they are seeing. I can help with most disorders, physical, mental or emotional. This is a very effective treatment. Email me with a list (short and precise) of your challenges at crystal@sacc.com and I will email you with instructions and appointment times to choose from. OR visit my main website for more information
at http://www.crystalgail.com.
The Center for Healing and Transformation

Over the summer of 2008 I have created a business concept for a very large healing and educational center to be in this area (SE Michigan-NE Detroit suburbs). I am very excited to see this coming into being. This project represents to me the beginning of my life’s work, the real reason for my incarnation. I would have to say that I am very passionate about this project and it is my “baby”! In that light, I wrote the vision and mission statement for this center earlier this year. I also wrote nineteen Points of Culture that we will operate under.

I work and communicate with highly evolved beings on the other side. Mostly, it is several Archangels that are helping me with this project. However, there actually are many hundreds of angels and helpers assigned to this project. They guide me and direct me, so it is easy to know what to do next.

What they are saying now is that the time is nearing for this creation to come into form and it is important to write, talk and network about it to let others know of it who may want to participate. I have many helpers in the non-physical but it is time now to begin seeing those who are here in the physical to show up and play their part in this creation.

To give you an idea of the size and scope of this project, the facility is envisioned to be more like a mini-university with several buildings. I have a Business Concept document written to hold the vision as requested by the Archangels. This center will be a template for many others that will go up very quickly around the globe.

This center is being created specifically to support the awakening of the masses that will happen as a direct result of a global reorganization that is very soon to occur.

So that you know something about me and who I am, here is the bio from my website:
Crystal Gail has been attuned and certified in 'The Reconnective Healings' by Dr. Eric Pearl. She is offering sessions as a healing practitioner of "The Reconnective Healings" as talked about in "The Keys of Enoch" and Dr. Eric Pearl's book "The Reconnection". These frequencies have continued to baffle the medical community since their introduction in 1993. Hospitals and universities across the country are investing time and money in an attempt to explain them. Eric Pearl has passed his gift on to many who have become proficient in their own right. Crystal Gail now brings this extraordinary gift to the Metropolitan Detroit area. These frequencies will take us to the next level in our evolution! Crystal Gail learned Reiki from a master and also studied the use of sound for healing in Albuquerque. During her many years on the spiritual path she studied numerology, self-hypnosis, meditation, working with the angels, and channeling. Crystal Gail was certified in Theta Healing, in late 2004, a powerful 7th dimension healing technique. A wonderful gift from the Creator that allows working with Core Beliefs and eliminating those subconscious programs that have been blocking us for eons. Can virtually eliminate physical, mental and emotional debris from your matrix. Have you been experiencing any challenges lately?? My spiritual teacher says that the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean was caused by several factors, one being all of our unresolved emotions. Consider helping to heal the planet and make a phone appointment if you live at a distance or come in person.

From 2003-2007 I have been working closely with the Ascended Masters , studying the I AM DISCOURSES and meditating, invoking and communicating with the Masters. After going on spiritual pilgrimage , I was awakened most fully to my divine purpose and began teaching a Mystery School. Gail is also a Mahatma Initiate having done several Mahatma workshops (based on the work of Brian Grattan). Adam and Karen Teesdale who are here locally continue to bring forth Brian's work. I am a teacher on the 6th Ray of Peace, Ministration and Service and came here to help awaken, teach, minister to and help the people and the planet thru this great awakening in Consciousness! Please contact me if you would like to attend my Meditation or Conscious Creation/Law of Attraction Classes if you live in the Greater Detroit area.
I have worked the entire Administrative spectrum in my 20 some years in the corporate world as well.

So, now that you know me a little, I want to really put out there that participants in this project really be aligned and creating from the heart. You are passionate about life, love people and have great communication skills. No room for ego here as the project will only succeed within the scope of oneness (unconditional love) and what is written in the Vision and Mission statement. So, if this is you, please read on and review the statements!

Understand that these are not “jobs” that I am proposing to fill (at this time). Just want to know if this project is something you would be passionate about and where you might be able to be of service.

I am really looking for financial and management staff resources to help me get this up and running when given the high sign. Practitioners and volunteers yes, however a little bit later. So—see if you resonate with this and check with your guidance.

Before I present the Vision and Mission Statements, here is the ‘Law of One’ which summarizes how we will operate and what everyone will need to align with:

We are all One
When One is harmed, all are harmed
When One is helped, all are helped
Therefore in the name of Who I Am and I Am One with All That Is
I ask that only that which Is the Highest Good of All concerned happen
I Give thanks that this is done
So Be It!

And now , here are the Statements:

Mission Statement
Will bring well being and spiritual alignment by nurturing the soul and providing access to the latest leading edge resources.
Vision Statement
We are a team of lightworkers devoted to the unfolding of the divine plan that have been guided and directed to come together. We will work within our points of culture to help raise the consciousness and well being of each and every person who comes to our center.
We will embrace and honor the Oneness and Unity in each other in order to provide the highest service to mankind in our daily interactions. We will do this by practicing Hoponopono (Saying to the Divine within: I love you, I forgive you, Thank you and I’m sorry) and holding a pure intention to align with our Divinity each day. By doing this we heal ourselves and everyone around us and take 100% responsibility for what we are creating.
All practitioners and resources involved will be aligned with The Divine Plan and our Vision. Our Center is overlighted by Archangels and Heavenly Helpers who are vigilantly at work to protect, nurture and assist in numerous ways.

We operate under the Law of One at all times:
We are all One When One is harmed, all are harmed When One is helped, all are helped Therefore in the name of Who I AM and I AM One with All there Is I ask that only that which is the Highest Good of all concerned-Happen I Give Thanks That This is Done. So Be It!
We will provide healing services and products of all types to assist all who come to align with well being and spiritual alignment. This will include therapeutic massage, energy work, energetic balancing, color therapy, holistic doctors, hypnosis, full spectrum light healing, dna repatterning, reconnective healing , counseling, coaching, meditation, law of attraction classes, etc. Our center will be large and utilize a full range of services to address all concerns physical, spiritual, mental or emotional.

The center will operate as a liaison facility to the Galactic Federation where you can meet members of the Federation and receive training in new technologies to heal the earth.
Each client can be directed to the correct practitioner, modality or product by a Greeting Consultant in the Welcome Center.

The Divine is our Marketing Director and guides anyone who is in need of our services to us.
We will remain flexible and allow ourselves to add or improve our services as needed to remain in alignment with the Divine Plan and address all needs efficiently and lovingly.

Points of Culture

1. Integrity
I am aligned in thought , word and deed to my higher self. I am willing to be 100% responsible for my actions and engage a mindset of peace and cooperation. I say what I mean and mean what I Say. I follow up on all of my work and responsibilities to ensure complete satisfaction for my clients and teammates.

2. Education
I am willing to learn and consistently upgrade my skills and services as needed. I am continually stretching, growing and releasing. I am devoted to the health and well being of my clients. Knowledge is the greatest purifier.

3. Team Work
I am connected to Unity Consciousness through my Higher Self allowing me to be in harmony with my teammates at all times. I engage energetically only on the level of harmony and cooperation. My teammates are always happy with me, my work and what I offer. If I need support, I am always able to find it easily from one of my teammates.

4. Personal Mastery
I am always seeking to engage the highest consciousness in my endeavors. I have mastered my mind, my body and my emotions to serve only that which is best for me. I am the best, therefore, I give my best.

5. Gratitude
I am truly grateful to work with like minded people in such a beautiful environment. It is easy to engage an attitude of gratitude to be able to offer my best.

6. Abundance
I am abundant in all ways, in business, in relationships, in everything I need as I know that engaging the Law of Attraction is in constant motion for my good and the needs of the Center. I need only to allow.

7. Joy
I follow the path of joy by allowing myself to prioritize feeling good and nurturing myself and my fellow teammates with good feelings each day.
I am cognizant of my teammate’s feelings. I offer praise, compliments, smiles and laughter as I am inspired in each moment. I nurture myself with massage and other therapies as often as I need to.

8. Balance
I allow myself to monitor my giving and receiving to ensure that I stay in balance. When I am balanced, I am able to offer the best to my clients. When I need to receive, I schedule time off to nurture myself.

9. Harmony
I operate with the intention of feeling harmony within me first. As I take time to meditate daily and harmonize within, I embody harmony and radiate, express and offer it naturally.

10. Spiritual Fulfillment
I am aligned with my Higher Self and what is for the highest good of all.
Because I always reach for the highest, I am able to access my spiritual gifts of clairaudience, clairsentience, prophecy and knowing. Freedom, peace and joy are dominant for me naturally. I am greatly fulfilled each time I help my clients to reach their potential more fully. I am fulfilled in each moment.

11. Inspiration
I am able to offer inspiration and hope to others. I am gifted in this way and offer it freely in my services and teachings for the Center.

12. Wisdom
I am greatly empowered by knowing myself most fully. I see myself in others. I am well read and am constantly learning and applying new principles to master all that I am capable of. I am discerning and wise.

13. Environment
We create a wonderful environment of peace, healing and harmony. All of the music, colors and crystals in the healing center are conducive to this effect. Everyone loves coming into our healing center because of the radiance of peace.

14. Values
Our most important value is to honor and serve our clients and to ensure that they get what they came to receive. Our goal is to assist humanity to the next levels of evolution. As each level is revealed, we recalibrate gracefully to achieve our arrival.

15. Oneness
As we evolve, we are able to tap into an experience of the oneness.
As we do, we become ever more synchronized with each other and every thought, word and deed expresses itself effortlessly and peacefully in divine order.

16. Heart-Centered
All duality is erased in the divine union fusion energies of the heart. Our directive is to operate from the heart in love and service. All of our needs are met as well as those of our clients as we follow our hearts. Heavenly helpers surround each of us and each of our clients.

17. Communications
I communicate clearly with my teammates and clients. Everyone always knows what to expect from me as I make it a point to follow up on all my responsibilities and follow tasks through to completion. I am a joy to work with and be around. All problems are easily resolved with the help of a highly conscious and skillful staff.

18. Fun, Play, Adventure
I engage a sense of humor as I go about my day and take advantage of the dance classes or other play activities the Center provides to ensure that I am nurturing my inner child and make this a part of my day.

19. Success
We strive to be the best in our services and attitude towards the Center and our clients. We engage Hoponopono and gratitude to attain the greatest success. We set quarterly goals to help us measure the success of our Center. Our success is measured by the appreciation of coworkers and clients, the number of referrals we get, the accomplishment of our goals and our revenue.

If you feel passionate about this project and align with these points of culture and the statements, please send me an email or give me a ring. As I stated above, I primarily want to gather financial resources and management staff.

I do want to hear from teachers and healers after this stage is set. Please keep this information if you are so inclined. Everyone’s participation will make this happen. And, it may not be long before you are called into action!

In Love and Service
Gail Miller

To reach Gail for information or to make an appointment, email her at crystal@sacc.com or
visit her website at http://www.crystalgail.com/.